Learn more about using Verify

Verify is a product that caters to the pharmaceutical industry’s Clinical Trial regulatory process. The verification system allows users to easily cross-reference in-text and table data with the sources from which they are derived to ensure that the data is aligned.

Massive amounts of text are converted from the trial’s documentation into data and cross-referenced. The system reverts with data that is accurate, and with data that it finds suspicious. If the data is suspicious, the user can choose to correct the error detected or dismiss it, signaling to the system that the highlighted error is in fact not an error but a correct data set.

The pharmaceutical industry uses manual procedures to cross-reference CSRs with the sources from which the data is derived. Currently, this process still makes use of a ruler-and-pen procedure, a process that takes up to eight months to complete. Verify’s team of data and software engineers automated the verification process with such accuracy that it compresses the human ability to find errors and mismatches into a short time frame.

No. A simple online tutorial will guide the user around the user-friendly and intuitive interface.

From 3 to 24 hours after submitting a new project.

There is no limitation on the number of documents you can upload to the Verify system.

Beaconcure has applied the highest standards of security measurements according to top US pharmaceutical company standards.