PHUSE US Connect 2024 Summary

Feb 29, 2024

At PHUSE US Connect 2024 in Rockville, conversations at the Beaconcure booth (between rounds of Blackjack!) were lively and interesting, as we delved deep into how the Verify platform leverages automation and AI-enabled processes to replace manual validation processes — now and in the future.

Beaconcure Director of Statistics and Life Sciences, Steve Ross, presented “Optimizing Clinical Research: Using AI for Automated Validation of Output Tables against ADaM,” co-authored with Beaconcure co-founder and COO Ilan Carmeli, in the Emerging Trends stream.

ADaM plays a crucial role in the clinical research process, by providing a structured and consistent framework for organizing and analyzing data, making it easier to generate accurate findings.

Validation of the output tables against ADaM is essential to ensure data accuracy and consistency in clinical research. By validating output tables against ADaM, clinical programmers can confidently confirm that the analysis results reflect the core data, thereby enhancing the reliability of findings in both clinical trials and research studies.

This validation process is performed primarily manually, using double programming or visual review.

In this presentation, we showed how this manual process can be replaced by automation using AI. We presented data elements that can be derived from the output and can be matched to the ADaM standards, using examples of automated validation of generated output against ADaM datasets.

Download the paper: Optimizing Clinical Research: Using AI for Automated Validation of Output Tables against ADaM (PAP_ET06)

Download the presentation: Optimizing Clinical Research: Using AI for Automated Validation of Output Tables against ADaM (PRE_ET06)

We’re honored to be participating in and presenting at multiple industry events this year, including demos to showcase new and extended Verify capabilities. In the meantime, follow Beaconcure on LinkedIn to stay up to date on our latest announcements.