
May 2022 Conferences

By Beaconcure | May 30, 2022

During May, Beaconcure has participated in two international conferences: PHUSE US Connect and PharmaSUG Austin. At both conferences, we presented and exhibited.

PHUSE US Connect 2022:

The US Connect 2022 took place in Atlanta, Georiga, USA between May 1-4. The conference welcomed more than 500 attendees from 120 companies.

On the first official day of the event, Ilan Carmeli, CPO and Co-founder of Beaconcure, gave a great presentation about Table Mining: The Barrier For Automation.

On May 3rd, Hugh Donovan, Senior Advisor for Beaconcure, and Naama Feilchenfeld, Data Analytics Team Leader, presented together about The Emerging Use of Automation to Adress the Challenges of Cross-Table Checks. They talked about the business side of it and showed practical examples of how Verify performs cross-table checks.

Naama Feilchenfeld
Naama Feilchenfeld, Data Analytics Team Leader

Last, but not least, Yoran Bar, CEO and Co-founder of Beaconcure, and Ilan Carmeli gave a live demo of Verify. Their presentation addressed the Validation of Statistical Outputs Using Automation.

Moreover the three panels, we had an exhibit booth.

Yoran Bar, Hugh Donovan, and Ilan Carmeli
From the left: Yoran Bar, Hugh Donovan, and Ilan Carmeli.

Besides Beconcure, these we the sponsors and exhibitors of the conference: Appsilon, Atorus, AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Catalyst, Cdisc, Connect, Cytel, Denali, Domino, d-wise, eClinical, Entimo, Ephicacy, Experis, Fairway, Formedi, Genentech, Geninvo, GSK, IBM, Intego Clinical, IQVIA, K3 Innovations, LEAMAN, Maxia, MMS, Navitas, Phastar, Pinnacle 21, Rang Life Sciences, Real Life Sciences, Redbock, R Studio, SAS, SGS, Simulstat, Sumptuous, Symbiance, The Lotus Group, Veramed, Vita Data Sciences, and Warman O’Brien.

PharmaSUG 2022:

The late may event took place in Austin, Texas, USA between May 22-25. The conference held paper presentations from different organizations and training seminars.

On the first day, Keren Mayorov, Data Analysis Leader, joined Hugh Donovan to present a paper about ‘The Emerging Use of Automation to Address the Challenge of Cross-Table Consistency Checking of Output Used in the Reporting of Clinical Trial Data’.

During the same morning, the two Co-founders of Beaconcure, Ilan Carmeli and Yoran Bar, spoke about the paper ‘‘Verify’ Product Demonstration: Validation of Statistical Outputs Using Automation’.

Yoran Bar
Yoran Bar, CEO and Co-founder.

On the second official day of the conference, Ilan Carmeli finalized Beaconcure’s appearance by presenting the paper named ‘Data Mining of Tables: The Barrier for Automation’.

ilan carmeli
Ilan Carmeli, CPO and Co-founder.

In addition to presenting the submitted papers, Beaconcure also had an exhibit area.

Ilan Carmeli, Hugh Donovan, and Keren Mayorov
From the left: Ilan Carmeli, Hugh Donovan, and Keren Mayorov.

*All the papers are available on the PharmaSUG website.

The sponsors of PharmaSUG 2022 were: sas, Catalyst, ICON, Navitas, Orbis Clinical, Pinnacle 21, Simulstat, BeiGene, Connect Life Sciences, Element, Ephicacy, LLX Solutions, Seagen, Vertex, ACL Digital, K3 Innovations, Penfield, Rang Life Sciences, Sumptuous Data Science.