
Beaconcure allocates and invests resources to make the site accessible and provide easy-to-use services and information for people with disabilities.
Beaconcure has been designed to be accessible to everyone. When improving accessibility for people with disabilities, we took in to consideration, among other things, users with motoric disabilities, cognitive disabilities, vision impairment, blindness and color blindness, hearing impairment, and senior citizens.
The site meets Level AA of the international W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, in accordance with Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Regulations (Accessibility Adjustments for Service).

Accessibility on the site

Although we have made an effort to make all pages accessible, some pages may still not be fully accessible. We are constantly working to improve accessibility, and are committed to making it equally and fully accessible to all users.

Contact us if you find a problem

Please let us know if you have come across any accessibility related problem, so we can do are best to make the site better for you, by emailing us at

We recommend attaching the following details to make sure we have all the information we need to help:

Beaconcure will do its best to make the site accessible and respond to enquiries as fast as possible.

This statement was updated on November 12, 2020